On March 21, 2015, the 4th Saudi Aramco Scholarship was awarded to three Japanese graduating students of Kanagawa Prefectural Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies (YIS). This year’s scholarship went to Youko Kitami, Hana Tomioka and Asahi Katsumata. Three students received certificate from Moalla H. Alomari, Aramco Asia Japan Deputy Managing Director, Engineering and Technical Services. While receiving the certificates, the students expressed appreciation to Saudi Aramco, partially in Arabic, as well as their ambitions to contribute in deepening the mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and Saudi Arabia.
In 2010, Saudi Aramco made a CSR contribution to YIS in recognition of its initiative in launching an Arabic language course in 2008 for the very first time for public high schools in Japan. With the contribution, the school renovated two class rooms with latest audio-visual equipment, named one of the rooms “Saudi Aramco YIS Friendship Hall”, and established a ten-year program, which provides three eligible students every year with a scholarship for continued learning. This scholarship program will continue until 2020, with the objective of contributing to these students’ valuable journey ahead.
For more information on Kanagawa Prefectural Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies, visit: http://yokohamakokusai-h.pen-kanagawa.ed.jp/pg1111.html