Aramco Asia Japan - JCCME Suppliers Forum in Tokyo

Aramco Asia Japan K.K. and Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME) will co-host Suppliers Forum in Tokyo on October 24, 2024, for manufacturers and suppliers interested in doing business with Aramco.

The forum will highlight business opportunities with Aramco and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Japanese companies in manufacturing and providing strategic commodities and services.

The details of the program are currently being finalized. We are pleased to welcome Aramco’s executives to explore the new horizon with our regular and potential business partners in this region.

Official information including how to register the event will be provided once finalized, so we hope you will consider participating in the event.

Event Details

  • Date: October 24 (Thu), 2024
  • Time: 9:00 – 16:00 (Japan time)
  • Participation Fee: Free
  • Co-hosted by: Aramco Asia Japan K.K. and Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East
  • Program: (Tentative, Subject to change)
    Presentation from Aramco representatives
    Presentation from Saudi Arabian governmental entities
    Sharing success stories by Japanese companies

        *Networking lunch is scheduled after the morning session.
          Aramco executives are planning to join the forum.

        *Venue will be shared with registrants. There will be no webinar this time.

For any enquiries, please contact .

The Shaybah Field
Shaybah Field
Khursaniyah Gas Plant

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