Educational programs for children

People and community

Aramco Asia Japan (AAJ) is active in joining face to face events for children to draw their interest in petroleum and Saudi Arabia by hosting workshops.

Since 2017, AAJ has been participating in “Manabi no Fes” (“Festival for Learning”), a semiannual event for school kids to learn about various businesses and cultures. It is organized by one of the leading daily newspapers Mainichi at Science Museum in Tokyo metropolitan area.

AAJ's own tailor-made program with experience-based 40 min. workshop focuses on the importance of petroleum, Saudi Arabia and its culture. Children in Saudi attire also practice Arabic phrases and write their own names in Arabic characters. AAJ employees volunteer as lecturers.

A greeting postcard from a young Japanese boy

“Hello! I attended many different classes that day and I found the session on Saudi Arabia was the best. I also enjoyed the dates! Thank you.”

A postcard arrived at AAJ, obviously that the sender was very young from the handwriting.  It was a summer greeting card, as it turned out, from a young boy named Arata who has participated in this event every year since AAJ's workshop started.

 “Getting a postcard like this from a school kid who attended our event is a proof that our effort is being positively received. Yes, we have a wonderful relationship with our Japanese business counterparts, truly committed customers. But sending positive messages to those generations of tomorrow is just as important”, said Omar M. Al Amudi, Representative Director, AAJ.

[Arata (boy on the left) and other kids watching the day’s teacher, one of AAJ employees, write their names in Arabic. The handwriting from right to left was eye-opening to the Japanese kids.
Arata (foremost boy on the left)  enjoys playing quizzes about Saudi Arabia and oil.
Copy of postcard from a young Japanese boy Arata. He wrote his name and “thank you” in Arabic which he learned during the workshop.
Saudi Arabia newspaper written by Arata for children's summer research projects to share what he learned during the workshop with his school classmates and teachers.